Diane Lee's blog

Voices Northwest Chorus Singing at Aqua Sox Game

We sang the United States National Anthem and the Canadian National Anthem at the Aqua Sox game in Everett in June 2024! We all had a great time!

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International Competition November 2023!!

Voices Northwest competed at Sweet Adelines International for the first time ever on November 2!! After a year and a half of preparing with weekly rehearsals, section rehearsals, and several all-day coaching sessions, our time to be on the International stage finally arrived! We were soooo excited to compete and we sang well and had a lot of fun singing on the big stage with the very best choruses from around the world!!

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Mill Creek Christmas Tree Lighting

We had a blast singing at the Mill Creek Christmas Tree Lighting and at the Town and Country Market on December 3!

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Mill Creek Festival

We had a blast singing at the Mill Creek Festival Saturday, even with only 12 singers and Director Nancy!!

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Sweet Adelines International - 2023

We are so excited to announce that we have been invited to compete as a Wildcard at Sweet Adelines International competition in Louisville, Kentucky October 30 - November 4, 2023. We earned this opportunity by coming in 2nd place with a score of 583 at our Regional Contest in May 2022!!

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